This CD album contains thirteen CDs with 26 dramatized, audio, Bible stories on Christ's life from his birth through His ascension. An album that will be cherished by the entire family. These stories can also be found in albums 4 & 5 of the Bible Comes Alive series. These stories can be earned free by enrolling and completing the bible lessons in our Adventures in the Holy Bible series. (Each CD is approximately one-hour in length.)
Stories included:
Mary of Nazareth:Angel appears to Mary
Born Under a Star:Birthof Jesus
The King Grows Up:Jesus' boyhood
A Voice in the Desert:John the Baptist; Jesus' baptism
Journey to Jerusalem:First cleansing of the temple; Nicodemus
Happiness in Galilee:Miracles of Jesus
Jesus the Healer:Jesus heals leper and paralytic
Matthew's Magnificent Party:Matthew becomes a disciple
Troubled Waters: Jesusheals on sabbath
The Road to Happiness:Ordination of 12 disciples; healing Roman officer's servant
The Greatest Miracle:Widow's son resurrected; Simon's feast; demon cast out
Prisoner in a Desert Dungeon:Death of John the Baptist
Stormy Times:Jesus calms storm; two demoniacs; Jairus' daughter resurrected
A Boy's Amazing Lunch:Jesus feeds 5000 people
A Fisherman Who Couldn't Swim:Peter walks on water
The Power of a Mother's Faith:-Jesus and the Phoenician woman; feeds 4000 people
The Great Secret:Mount of Transfiguration; temple tax
Encounters in Jerusalem:Religious leaders try to trap Jesus
The Man Who Lived Twice:Lazarus is resurrected
Citizens of Heaven:Jesus relates to children; heals sick; tests young ruler
Jesus and Mr. Too Short:Zacchaeus
Cheers for the King:Jesus' triumphal entry
The Great Clash:Second cleansing of the temple
A Night to Remember:The last supper
Betrayed:Night in Gethsemane
The Trial:Jesus on trial
The Road to Skull Hilll:Crucifixion
A Promise to Keep:Resurrection and ascension of Jesus
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