Lively Art of Writing

Lively Art of Writing

by Lucile Vaughan Payne
Publisher: Mentor Books
Mass market paperback, 192 pages
Price: $9.99

Students, teachers, businessmen, aspiring authors, complaining consumers—all have one thing in common—the need to express successfully ideas, opinions, arguments, problems, explanations, or instructions through the medium of the written word. And The Lively Art of Writing is the perfect guide to the mastery of this essential skill. It will answer all your questions, provide you with the best techniques, and offer important information about:

  • Choosing a subject
  • Working with words
  • The sound of sentences
  • The power of paragraphs
  • Essentials of style
  • Essays, theses, and term paper
  • And much, much more
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Summary:: A nuts and bolts primer on essay writing. It is packed with advice on how to write papers, essays, clean sentences, and clearly articulated ideas. Ideas and examples from how good writers write complement this exceptional tool.

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Maverick of Minnesota, 10/17/2008
I agree with Taylor. This book was horrible and did not improve my writing skills. It was a complete waste of time. The author is boring and the questions and assignments at the end of each chapter are time-consuming and useless.
Taylor of USA, 10/16/2008
I have been required to read this book for my freshman honors english class and i have been bored out of my skull all through this class peroid! I never imagined that it was possible to write a book this bad! the only good use for this book is to start a good campfire! PLEASE DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS TERRIBLE BOOK! i can sum up this book in 1 sentence for you so that you dont pay the $7.00 for it! Passive voice is very bad and never ever use the word "there". ok i have just saved you $7.00! This is the WORST book i have ever read but it could be used as a great torture device!