Books Children Love

Books Children Love

A Guide to the Best Children's Literature

by Elizabeth Wilson
Publisher: Crossway Books
2nd Edition, ©2002, ISBN: 9781581341980
Trade Paperback, 320 pages
List Price: $19.99 Our Price: $17.00
Used Price: $7.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

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A love for reading is one of the most precious gifts parents can give their children. But how can busy moms and dads find the time to sort through thousands of children's books to discover the really worthwhile ones?

Here is a book that will help parents open up the wonderful world of reading for their children. Books Children Love is a comprehensive guide to the very best in children's books. It provides an overview of excellently written, interest-holding books on as wide a range of topics as possible—books that also embody the ideals of traditional values and a Christian worldview. These are the "living books," books that open windows onto the world that God made for man to live in. Each book included has been carefully read and evaluated by children's literature expert Elizabeth Wilson. Only those books that really catch and hold children's attention, that are finely written, and that reflect basic Judeo-Christian values have been included.

Books Children Love is intended to bring children and fine books together. In doing so, it can start them on a lifetime adventure in which the fullness and glory and wonder of God's creation is revealed through the inexhaustible richness of the world of books.

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