Child's Story Bible

Child's Story Bible

by Catherine F. Vos
Publisher: Eerdmans
2nd Edition, ©1977, ISBN: 9780802850119
Hardcover, 382 pages
List Price: $28.00 Sale Price: $23.80
Used Price: $14.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Initially published in three volumes, this much-loved Bible storybook by the wife of theologian Geerhardus Vos is still as engaging—and accurate!—as it was on first publication over 50 years ago. Beautiful oil paintings illustrate, though sparsely—there are only 39 in a nearly 400 page book. Because there is so much text this one won't appeal to really young kids; it's ideal for 1st-4th graders, though 1st graders will most likely need to be read to rather than tackling it on their own.

The Child's Story Bible is probably the most respected, most accurate and most complete story Bible we offer, with 210 chapters covering the Old and New Testaments (110 for the OT, 92 for the NT) that are often divided into smaller stories. None of the major plot points are missed, and none of the Gospel story (from Abraham to Christ) is omitted. The comparable Scriptural reference appears at the beginning of each story. While there are no questions included in the text, there's plenty here to discuss—the doctrines revealed in the stories are thoroughly explored, though no specific sectarian stance is promoted over the others.

While this is certainly a child's story Bible (as the title indicates) the stories are well written to the point many older kids or even adults may enjoy reading selections. We wouldn't encourage this as a substitution for actual Scripture reading, but it makes an excellent introduction and could even work as a commentary of sorts for elementary students.

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