Apologia: Exploring Creation With General Science - Home School Kit (old)

Apologia: Exploring Creation With General Science - Home School Kit (old)

by Dr. Jay Wile
2nd Edition, ©2008, Item: 13234
Curriculum Bundle
Current Retail Price: $68.00
Used Price: $35.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

This course is designed to be a student's first systematic introduction to the sciences. Although it can be used for eighth grade (especially if the student has recently left the public schools), it is typically used best in the seventh grade. The course covers topics like the history of science, scientific method, designing experiments, simple machines, archaeology, geology, paleontology, biology, and human anatomy and physiology. Therefore, its scope is quite wide. There are many hands-on experiments to do, and they all use household items. The second edition of Apologia's general science course has several features that enhance the value of the course:

  • Scientific advances in the relevant topics have altered how some of the material is covered. For example, the primary function of the human appendix wasn't determined until 2006. Thus, while the primary function of the appendix is not discussed in the first edition, it is discussed in this edition.
  • There is more color in this edition as compared to the previous edition, and many of the drawings that are in the first edition have been replaced by higher-quality drawings.
  • Advanced students who have the time and ability for additional learning are directed to online resources that give them access to advanced subject matter.
  • To aid the student in reviewing the course as a whole, there is an appendix that contains questions which cover the entire course. The solutions and tests manual has the answers to those questions.

A further description of the changes made to Apologia second edition courses can be found in our Apologia series description. Because of the differences between the first and second editions, students in a group setting cannot use both. They must all have the same edition.

It is not intended to be a focused study, but rather an introduction to these topics and an organized study of science.

This kit is comprised of three pieces. The hardbound text contains all student material, on-your-own questions and solutions, laboratory exercises, and chapter study guides. The Solutions and tests Manual, softbound, offers the answers to chapter study guides, tests, and test solutions. The third piece is the CD-ROM companion, which includes videos of some of the experiments, animations, and pronunciations of previously unknown words.


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