Nature Encyclopedia

Nature Encyclopedia

Publisher: DK Publishing
Hardcover, 304 pages
Current Retail Price: $29.99
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The DK 'Nature Encyclopedia' describes in detail the rich diversity of life on Earth. Produced in association with the Natural History Museum, London, this book surveys the varied land and marine habitats throughout the world, and provides fascinating insights into how living things evolve, grow, reproduce, feed, and defend themselves. Photographs reveal the lifestyles, anatomy, and behavior of plants and animals from all over the world, while action sequences show how a bush baby leaps through the air, the way a jellyfish propels itself through the water, and how a chameleon catches its insect prey. Clearly organized into thematic sections, the book covers a wide range of topics from reproduction and movement to photosynthesis and communication. It explores each major plant and animal group - including flowering plants, birds, reptiles, insects, fish, and mammals - and reveals how living things struggle to survive in the world's most inhospitable habitats. A reference section, which includes classification charts, an extensive index, and a glossary of scientific terms, completes this colorful and informative guide.

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