Dragons of Blueland

Dragons of Blueland

My Father's Dragon Trilogy #3
by Ruth Stiles Gannett, Ruth Chrisman Gannett (Illustrator)
Publisher: Random House
Trade Paperback, 88 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79

After dropping Elmer off at his house, the flying baby dragon heads home. But when he arrives at Blueland where his family lives, he finds them trapped by greedy hunters who want to capture the dragons for the zoo. Immediately he speeds back to Elmer and the two have one last problem to solve together before they bid each other a fond goodbye for the last time.

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  I Love the Dragon Books!
8yoAudrey, 8/31/2016
In this story, you never know what's going to come. The dragon is finding his home again in Blueland. He is in a village, and there's a person who saw the dragon, so the dragon hid, and he made friends with the cows which hid him. You'll have to read it and find out what happens after! I liked this book because at first you think he's going to get captured, then you think he won't, but you just don't know when it's coming!