Pumpkin Runner

Pumpkin Runner

by Marsha Diane Arnold, Brad Sneed (Illustrator)
Publisher: Dial Press
1st Edition, ©1998, ISBN: 9780803721241
Hardcover, 32 pages
Price: $17.99

Who needs tennis shoes when you’ve got orange gumboots? Who needs a jeep when you can run just as fast? And who needs specially formulated energy drinks when you’ve got pumpkin slices and pumpkin soup and pumpkin pie? Everyone is skeptical of Old Joshua Summerhayes when he decides to enter the Koala-K race, but Joshua has been running since he was a boy, and he knows that as long as he has a good pumpkin to munch he’ll have all the energy he needs. Though at the start of the race he’s in the back shuffling along, steady-like, he soon overtakes everyone else and takes the lead. But a nasty accident happens to Joshua’s pumpkin filled jeep, and all his pumpkins are smooshed. With no more pumpkins to give him his pumpkin energy, will Joshua tire out and lose the race?

Plenty of suspense, interesting illustrations and its Australian setting make this a fun read-aloud for most kids. Worth rereading frequently!

Inspired by the true story of Cliff Young, a 61-year-old farmer who competed in an 875 kilometer race from Sydney to Melbourne in 1983.

Review by Hadley Payne (nee Ayers)
Hadley was an exemplary employee at Exodus for several years. Full of life and laughter, she is an avid reader who loves both classics and popular literature. Her reviews are clear, helpful and often witty. Check more of them out here.


Review by Hadley Payne (née Ayers)
Hadley Ayers was an exemplary employee at Exodus for several years. Full of life and laughter, she is an avid reader who loves both classics and popular literature. Her reviews are clear, helpful and often witty. Check more of them out here.
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Summary: Old Joshua Summerhayes competes in an Australian footrace against much younger competitors.

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