Anne of the Island

Anne of the Island

Anne #3
by L. M. Montgomery
Publisher: Bantam Books
Mass market paperback, 243 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79
Used Price: $3.20 (4 in stock) Condition Policy

New adventures lie ahead as Anne Shirley packs her bags, waves good-bye to childhood, and heads for Redmond College. With old friend Prissy Grant waiting in the bustling city of Kingsport and frivolous new pal Philippa Gordon at her side, Anne tucks her memories of rural Avonlea away and discovers life on her own terms, filled with surprises...including a marriage proposal from the worst fellow imaginable, the sale of her very first story, and a tragedy that teaches her a painful lesson. But tears turn to laughter when Anne and her friends move into an old cottage and an ornery black cat steals her heart. Little does Anne know that handsome Gilbert Blythe wants to win her heart, too. Suddenly Anne must decide if she's ready for love…

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  Anne of the Island
Enna of the house of books of Illinois, 7/20/2016
Anne decides to go to Redmond college, and boards with two sisters who are always fussing about embroidered cushions. She meets Philippa Gordon and along with her two friends Stella and Priscilla from Queens Academy, they rent a pretty cottage not too far from the school. It was interesting. I love Anne's imagination, and her love for things pretty and neat.