Children of the Promise

Children of the Promise

The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism

by Robert Randy Booth
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Trade Paperback, 190 pages
Price: $14.99
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

This book seeks to answer the questions: Who should be baptized? Are there good biblical reasons to baptize the children of believers? What does the Bible say about your children? Because controversy is easier left alone and because no one likes the disruption of change, Robert Booth, a Baptist pastor, long put off the study of this controversial and thorny issue. He felt his heart sink as his views reluctantly changed. He has written his reasons for changing in this readable, personal and pastoral book that carefully unveils the covenant promises of God to Christian parents and their households.

Table of Contents:





1. Foundations: Preparing Our Hearts and Minds
2. The Pivotal Point: How Should We Interpret the Bible?
3. The Covenants of Promise: The Bud of Redemption
4. The Promise Fulfilled: The Flower of Redemption
5. Pruning and Grafting: God's People of the Old and New Covenants
6. The Covenant of Grace: Signs and Seals
7. Households and Redemption: To Your Children and Your Children's Children
8. Household Baptism: Your God Shall Be My God
9. Close to Home: Weighing the Case for Infant Baptism


Appendix A: Samuel Miller's Argument from Church History
Appendix B: The Similarities of Circumcision and Baptism
Index of Scripture

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Exodus Rating
Summary: One of the best introductions to the biblical doctrine of infant baptism.

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