Children Just Like Me

Children Just Like Me

by Barnabas Kindersley, Anabel Kindersley
Publisher: DK Publishing
Hardcover, 80 pages
Price: $19.99
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  Colorful and Fun Way to Learn Social Studies
Albanyaloe of South Africa, 6/14/2011
This fantastic book is a great addition to any homescool. It describes the lifestyles of children from all over the world. Things that are common with all children are described: housing, diet, school, games, family. The pages are covered with beautiful photographs. Other religions and cultural groups are obviously included in this book. We're using it with our Social Studies. It has been helpful in our prayer time for missionary work, as we are able to tell which people groups are not Christian, so the religious and cultural aspect has enriched the book for our family. My children love the book, and want to read on and on! For younger grades it adds some fun to Social studies. If you buy the book "A life like mine", also by DK and Unicef, your children will have really have their eyes opened to the priviliges that us in First world countries have. Remember to look up the countries onthe map and add a few crafts or cooking for a complete curriculum.