Charge of the Light Brigade & Other Poems

Charge of the Light Brigade & Other Poems

Dover Thrift Editions
by Alfred Tennyson
Publisher: Dover Publications
Mass market paperback, 64 pages
List Price: $4.00 Sale Price: $3.40

Formerly titled Selected Poems.

Considered by Victorians as the finest contemporary poet, Alfred, Lord Tennyson gained much critical favor for his mastery of poetic technique, high-mindedness and superb nature description, This volume contains a representative selection of his best works, including the famous long narrative poem Enoch Arden, as well as a number of important lyrics, monologues, ballads and other typical pieces. Among these are "the Lady of Shallot," "Break, break, break," "Flower in the crannied wall," and "Ode on the Death of Duke of Wellington." also here are the carefully chosen, uncut excerpts from three longer works: The Princess, "Maud" and "The Brook." With this inexpensive volume at their fingertips, students and lovers of poetry can enjoy a substantial sampling of Tennyson's still-admired, widely quoted verse.

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