Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express OSI

Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express OSI

by Eleanor Coerr
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 64 pages
Current Retail Price: $4.99
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  A Fast Way to Send Mail!
Noah (age 8) of Oregon, 6/29/2016
Bill was a boy who was 16 years old. He saw a sign that said, "Riders Needed for the Pony Express. Riders Under 18! Skinny Folks! $25 a Week!" Bill stopped and told himself that was the kind of job he needed. He signed up, got his uniform and saw the map. The trip was 2,000 miles, but there were stops along the way. There are new riders at each stop. His boss gave him two pistols, a horn and a knife. When it was his time to ride, someone came to his stop, slipped off his horse and Bill would grab the mail and ride off into the night. One time, there were Indians who chased him. They shot their guns at him and the bullets whizzed passed him and the horse! They slowly fell back.... Bill saw a fort (a place for riders to rest and let the next rider have a turn). When he started to slide off his horse, someone said, "wait, the rider is sick! You must go to the next stop! He changed horses and went on. When he got to the next stop, he fell asleep at the dinner table! A lot more exciting things happen to him (like wolves attacking him!) so you should read more about Buffalo Bill. But, just so you know, he didn't get hurt!