Beautiful Blue Jay and Other Tales of India

Beautiful Blue Jay and Other Tales of India

by John W. Spellman, Jerry Pinkney (Illustrator)
1st Edition, ©1967, Item: 54071
Hardcover, 101 pages
Used Price: $7.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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When you read or listen to stories that are told to children in faraway places of the world, it is almost as if you were visiting those distant lands yourself. So in this book you will visit India, for here are twenty-five tales that mothers in India tell their children today. They have been collected by the author in person; most of them have never appeared in print before.

The stories are about people and happenings that concern children everywhere. They are funny, full of action, about rich people, braggarts, the kind and the unkind, poor people, stepmothers, simpletons. Of course, the simpletons often turn out to be wiser than the wise.

The theme of hunger recurs in these stories, but it is not the only one that relates the book to India. English-speaking children will find here that they have many ideas and experiences in common with the children of India.

from the dust jacket

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