African Traveler

African Traveler

The Story of Mary Kingsley

by Ronald Syme, Jacqueline Tomes (Illustrator)
©1962, Item: 43721
Hardcover, 188 pages
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Armed with an umbrella and wearing a flowered bonnet, long-sleeved blouse, and ankle-length skirt, the appropriate attire for a Victorian young lady, Mary Kingsley stepped off a steamer in West Africa in the year 1893. She was starting on the first of three jungle journeys that would make her one of the most famous Englishwomen of her age.

In this fascinating biography, Ronald Syme tells the almost incredible story of Mary Kingsley's travels in West Africa. In the course of carrying out her commission to search for new specimens of fish for the British Museum, Mary voyaged in dugout canoes and penetrated unexplored forests with only native guides as protection. Far from being afraid of people with strange and terrifying customs, Mary often became an arbitrator in their quarrels and a doctor to their ills.

Throughout her adventures Mary Kingsley retained her sense of balance in situations that while often dangerous were frequently funny. It is this combination of Victorian propriety and human courage that makes her such a remarkable woman.

—from the dust jacket

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