Winged Horse

Winged Horse

The Story of Poets and their Poetry

by Joseph Auslander (Author), Frank Ernest Hill (Author)
Publisher: Doubleday & Company
©1947, Item: 74669
Hardcover, 451 pages
Used Price: $6.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Aenid -- Aeschylus -- Matthew Arnold -- ballads -- William Blake -- Beowulf -- Robert Browning -- Robert Burns -- Lord Byron -- Canterbury Tales -- Geoffrey Chaucer -- Dante -- Emily Dickinson -- Divine Comedy -- Elizabethan poetry -- epic poetry -- Faery Queen -- Greek poetry -- Homer -- Horace -- The Iliad -- Ben Jonson -- John Keats -- Rudyard Kipling -- Laura -- Leaves of Grass -- Christopher marlowe -- meter -- John Milton -- William Morris -- narrative poetry -- pastoral poetry -- Francesco Petrarch -- Edgar Allan Poe -- Alexander Pope -- rhyme -- Dante Gabriel Rossetti -- satire -- William Shakespeare -- Percy Bysshe Shelley -- Shepherd's calendar -- sonnet -- Edmund Spencer -- Alfred Lord Tennyson -- tragedy -- Virgil -- Walt Whitman -- William Wordsworth -- poetry history and criticism.

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