Tom's Midnight Garden

Tom's Midnight Garden

by Philippa Pearce, Susan Einzig (Illustrator)
Publisher: J.B. Lippincott Co.
©1958, Item: 88759
Library Rebind, 229 pages
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Tom was a cross and resentful boy when he was sent to stay with his uncle and aunt because his brother, Peter, had caught the measles. As soon as he joined his relatives in their small apartment, he knew he would be sad and lonely. He would miss Peter as well as the garden at home where they used to play. Now he had no friends his own age, and, instead of a garden to explore, there was only a paved yard and a row of garbage cans outside the back door.

When the time came for Tom to go home, however, he did everything he could to prolong his visit. For he had made a strange and wonderful discovery—a discovery that he could share with no one, except Peter. And Peter believed it all, and even, for one brief moment, came to share in Tom's fantastic midnight adventure.

Phillippa Pearce has created an enchanting story of the world of the imagination. The originality and charm of Tom's Midnight Garden have won for it a distinguished place in England, and it has taken its place among the best books for children on this side of the Atlantic as well.

from the dust jacket

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