

Usborne Beginners Plus
by Henry Brook
Publisher: Usborne
Trade Paperback, 80 pages
Current Retail Price: $8.99
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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What is it like to drive a tank? What are they used for? What will tanks look like in the future?

This book takes you inside the world's best tanks, from the metal monsters of the First World War to today's high-tech robots. Read true adventures of tank combat and find out how weapons and crew protection have evolved to make the tank a deadly fighting machine.

This book includes information about what a tank crew does, and what tanks of the future may look like, and is filled with exciting photographs,diagrams and comic strips, plus fold-out pages that reveal the hidden workings of tanks. It also includes internet links to exciting websites with sounds, animation, video clips and much more.

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