

A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions

by Gregory Koukl
Publisher: Zondervan
10th Anniversary Edition, ©2009, ISBN: 9780310101468
Trade Paperback, 207 pages
Price: $22.99

One of the biggest difficulties facing Christians is that they don't know how to share their faith with unbelievers. Thousands of books are written on this topic, from simple "how to witness" pamphlets to extensive scholarly volumes on apologetics, but few are as clear and practically helpful as Gregory Koukl's Tactics.

"Tactics" can be a scary or off-putting word, Koukl admits, but if we aren't prepared to defend our faith and present the Gospel, we'll be largely ineffectual citizens of Christ's kingdom. Half of Tactics discusses what Koukl calls the "Columbo" method, named for the frazzled classic TV detective.

Columbo's trick was to get the truth out of suspects by being unassuming, approachable, discerning, and able to ask leading questions. Without using jargon or difficult philosophical arguments, Koukl shows how these tactics can and should be mastered by Christians who want to engage unbelievers and evangelize them.

After a thorough explanation of the Columbo method, Koukl presents several other methods built around developing good logic, discovering and pointing out bad logic, and acquiring knowledge of one's faith as well as opposing philosophies. While some fairly difficult concepts are introduced, each of them is presented in accessible non-technical language.

Both an introduction to apologetics and a manual for evangelism, the great power of Tactics is that it shows Christians how to present their faith without fear and without awkwardness. At a time when we're often silenced by the arguments or indifference of unbelievers, Koukl's book should be a must-read in homes, churches, and Christian schools everywhere.

Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he's a husband and father who loves church, good food, and weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.
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