Selected Prose of Robert Frost

Selected Prose of Robert Frost

by Robert Frost, Hyde Cox (Editor), Edward Connery Lathem (Editor)
Hardcover, 119 pages
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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From the dust jacket:

As the editors say in their Introduction to SELECTED PROSE OF ROBERT FROST: "More than once in the later years of his life Robert Frost was urged to publish a selection of his prose. His prefaces to his own and to a few other books were available only separately; and occasional pieces he had written, although known to some, had never been gathered together in a book and were, therefore, not readily available to the ever-growing number of people for whom they would have had meaning."

Of the fifteen pieces in SELECTED PROSE OF ROBERT FROST, the earliest appeared in 1924 and the most recent in 1959. They include probably the best-known of Frost's prose pieces, "The Figure a Poem Makes"; introductions to volumes of poetry such as "Maturity No Object" and his Introduction to King Jasper, a magazine article which illustrates his life-long interest in baseball, "Perfect Day-A Day of Prowess"; and two essays that reflect and juxtapose the depth of belief and disbelief his "Letter to The Amherst Student" and "On Emerson."

Each of the pieces in the book has an explanatory note by the editors. There is also an introduction to the volume that will give the general reader and the scholar unique insight into Robert Frost's belief in the importance of the poetic life.

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