Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe

by Daniel Defoe
Publisher: Oxford University
Trade Paperback, 384 pages
List Price: $7.95 Sale Price: $6.76

The text in this volume is explicitly modeled and carefully edited to be as close to the original edition as possible. It also includes a number of extras, including an extensive introduction by Thomas Keymer, explanatory notes, textual notes and glossary, a select bibliography,  chronologies of both Daniel Defoe and Robinson Crusoe, and the Frontispiece and Preface to Serious Reflections During the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. True to the early versions, it does not include chapter breaks or illustrations. A good copy for studying, this is the one recommended by Sonlight Core 200.

It's easy to miss the real meaning of Daniel Defoe's masterpiece, touted as it often is as the greatest adventure story of all time, the first modern novel, and possibly the first nonfiction novel. While the first two are true (the third is just wishful thinking), Defoe's novel of a castaway Englishman who learns to survive in the wild is one of the finest depictions of Christian redemption in all of literature.

First published in 1719, Robinson Crusoe was written when the novel was still in its infancy. It introduced many of the devices that came to dominate fictional narrative structures, including straightforward narration and fictional realism. In its first year, it went through four editions because it was so popular, and writers ever since have spoken of being influenced by the novel.

While all of those are admirable accomplishments, the real worth of Defoe's novel is spiritual. Crusoe begins in rebellion against his parents and God, but through faithful Bible reading and prayer in his solitude on the island, he becomes a Christian, thus illustrating the need for personal conviction (especially in a land where citizenship involved church membership).

But Crusoe soon realizes the need for Christian companionship and community, and it's not until he converts the island native Friday that he's truly satisfied and happy. The idea John Donne so succinctly expressed in his famous line, No man is an island, entire of itself, is beautifully expressed in the spiritual development of the novel's protagonist.

Defoe made no mistake, then, in landing his character on an island. It becomes a metaphor for the spiritual solitude each of us experiences before accepting the truth of Christ's Gospel. At the same time, it illustrates the conditions in which the Holy Spirit works—coming to us not in the craze and busy-ness of everyday life, but in the calm of reflection and through His Word.

Of course, this is also a fantastic adventure story, complete with shipwreck, survival, and battles. Yet, to ignore the Christian elements of this story is not to benefit from it the way Defoe intended. A devout Presbyterian Puritan, he wasn't just writing a fun story to thrill bored readers; he was honoring his God through one of the most well-respected works of art in the history of literature.

Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he's a husband and father who loves church, good food, and weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.
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