Prince of Preachers

Prince of Preachers

Charles Spurgeon

CF4Kids Trail Blazers
by Christian T. George
Mass market paperback, 144 pages
Current Retail Price: $8.99
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Charles Spurgeon was a simple country lad who went on to become one of the best-known preachers in London, Europe and the world. But as a young lad, caught one night in a furious snowstorm, Charles snuck into the back pew of a dusty country chapel to get out of the bad weather. He had no idea that he would not only escape the freezing temperatures outside, but would escape this corrupt world, when he was faced with the most important decision of his life: will he turn to Christ?

A wrinkled old man started to preach, leading Charles to suppose this would be a thoroughly boring service - but once the words "Look unto Jesus and be saved" were announced, a cold, grumpy teenager began to realize that God's word can change you, completely!

Before long, Spurgeon was the most well-known preacher in the land, touching the hearts of every class in his society.

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