Paris in the Twentieth Century

Paris in the Twentieth Century

The Lost Novel

by Jules Verne, Richard Howard (Translator)
Publisher: Random House
Trade Paperback, 222 pages
List Price: $15.00 Sale Price: $12.75

This "lost" manuscript by Jules Verne—his second book—was written in 1863 but published for the first time in 1994. In it, he imagines a 20th-century Paris in which art and culture have declined in the face of increasingly oppressive feats of engineering and overwhelming economic concerns. Among Verne's accurate depictions of 20th-century technology are machines such as electronic calculators, automobiles, subway systems, and fax machines—not to mention many other complicated devices that have not yet been invented.

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Exodus Rating:
FLAWS: Mild language, mild violence
Summary: A young man finds that futuristic Paris has driving machines and subways, but that the price of such advancement is the human soul.

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