Original Mother Goose

Original Mother Goose

by Blanche Fisher Wright (Illustrator), Anonymous
Publisher: Running Press
Hardcover, 132 pages
Current Retail Price: $17.95
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

This deluxe full-color collection of Mother Goose includes nearly 300 nursery rhymes and features the classic 1916 Blanche Fisher Wright illustrations. Nearly identical to the more commonly found The Real Mother Goose, this more expensive edition has real cloth binding and beautiful tipped-on cover art, plus it offers fifteen additional rhymes.

These rhymes include: Miller and Mouse; A; Mary's Lamb; Robin-a-Bobbin; John Smith; The Year; Handy Pandy; A Nick and a Nock; The Seasons; Billy, Billy; Rain; Jack and Jill; The Mutton-Bone; The Orange Stealer; and Good King Arthur.

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