Mind on Fire: Faith for the Skeptical and Indifferent

Mind on Fire: Faith for the Skeptical and Indifferent

by Blaise Pascal, Os Guinness (Introduction), James M. Houston (Editor)
Publisher: David C. Cook
New, ©2006, ISBN: 9780781441971
Trade Paperback, 320 pages
Current Retail Price: $14.99
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) earned recognition as a renowned mathematician, physicist--and a man after God's heart. As he came to the forefront of geometry and physics, he turned his considerable analytical abilities to study religion or, as he said, to "contemplate the greatness and the misery of man." Pascal's classic defense of Christianity--Pensées--persuaded many a skeptic in his time. Today, editor James Houston has organized Pascal's meditations into a logical progression of thought that contemporary readers can enjoy in Mind on Fire. Described as a "Masterpiece of theological scholarship," Mind on Fire also includes selections from Pascal's Letters to a Provincial, a description of his conversion in his own words.

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