Mercy Watson to the Rescue

Mercy Watson to the Rescue

Mercy Watson #1
by Kate DiCamillo, Chris Van Dusen (Illustrator)
Publisher: Candlewick Press
1 Reprint, ©2009, ISBN: 9780763645045
Trade Paperback, 80 pages
List Price: $6.99 Sale Price: $5.94

Mr. and Mrs. Watson have a pig named Mercy, who they adore with all their heart. They sing her to sleep every night, and the song makes Mercy feel all warm inside, like buttered toast. Mercy likes buttered toast. But once the light goes out, the room becomes dark and scary, so Mercy hops out of her bed and into Mr. and Mrs. Watson’s bed. But one night, Mercy’s weight is just too much and the bed starts to fall through the ceiling! While Mr. and Mrs. Watson are terrified and believe it to be an earthquake, Mercy is undisturbed. In fact, Mercy feels hungry.

“Mercy!” cry the Watsons. “Go get help!”

So Mercy goes downstairs to get some toast.

Through a ridiculous series of events, Mercy ends up waking up her neighbors (who conveniently call the fire brigade because there’s a pig on the loose), and leads them all chasing her to the Watsons’s house, where the Watsons are still in the bed that is falling through the ceiling! This delightful story about a toast-loving pig who quite unintentionally saves her family is one that will charm all ages of readers.

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  Mercy Watson to the Rescue
Anna Banana of Conyers, GA, 8/3/2016
I like this book because it was funny when Mercy would eat a lot of toast. The neighbor, Baby Lincoln, would give Mercy cookies, but her sister, Eugenia, did not like pigs on her property.
  Mercy Watson to the Rescue
Book Lover Age 8 of Australia, 6/29/2016
One lonely night Mercy climbed into bed with Mr. and Mrs Watson and it was too much for the floor and it broke! Mr. and Mrs. Watson were trapped, but Mercy smelled butter and went next door to see if Baby was making sugar cookies. She was fast asleep in bed so Mercy tapped on the window. Baby thought it was a monster at her window so Eugenia called the fire department. If you want to know how it ends, you'll need to read it for yourself! I think it's good for all people who love pigs and toast with a great deal of butter!
  To the Rescue!
Deacon, 6/1/2016
I loved this book so much, it is hilarious! The pig is funny because she dreamed about eating pancakes. Mr. Watson was dreaming about driving a fast car. Mrs. Watson was dreaming about giving bread with lots of butter to Mercy. I love this book!