Maus I: My Father Bleeds History

Maus I: My Father Bleeds History

A Survivor's Tale

by Art Spiegelman (Author)
Publisher: Pantheon Books
Trade Paperback, 159 pages
Current Retail Price: $16.95
Used Price: $6.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler’s Europe, and his son, a cartoonist coming to terms with his father’s story. Maus approaches the unspeakable through the diminutive. Its form, the cartoon (the Nazis are cats, the Jews mice), shocks us out of any lingering sense of familiarity and succeeds in “drawing us closer to the bleak heart of the Holocaust” (The New York Times).

Maus is a haunting tale within a tale. Vladek’s harrowing story of survival is woven into the author’s account of his tortured relationship with his aging father. Against the backdrop of guilt brought by survival, they stage a normal life of small arguments and unhappy visits. This astonishing retelling of our century’s grisliest news is a story of survival, not only of Vladek but of the children who survive even the survivors. Maus studies the bloody pawprints of history and tracks its meaning for all of us.

This volume covers the beginning of the story; the 1930s to winter 1944.

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