Man Born to be King

Man Born to be King

by Dorothy Sayers
Trade Paperback, 337 pages
List Price: $23.95 Sale Price: $20.36

One of the most popular of Sayers' works, this famous play-cycle was originally written for broadcasting and was performed very successfully on BBC. Based on the Gospels, and completely faithful to the inspired accounts of Christ's life, Sayers adds unrecorded conversations, minor characters and all the details that give concreteness to the Gospel accounts. She does this in such a realistic and engaging manner that the whole Gospel story comes alive as an actual event taking place in our midst. This is inspiring reading by a great Christian writer.

"There is no other word but magnificent for this play drawn from the Gospels. Sayers' interpretation of the characters is simply brilliant. Her Jesus can bring tears to your eyes. You will be deeply moved—a powerful experience."Sheldon Vanauken Author, A Severe Mercy

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