Jungle Doctor Spots a Leopard

Jungle Doctor Spots a Leopard

Jungle Doctor #3
by Paul White
Trade Paperback, 176 pages
Current Retail Price: $8.99
Used Price: $3.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Fear has gripped the hearts of the villagers. A killer leopard is moving closer and closer - a leopard which has only four toes on one foot.

Old ex-chief Madole is also missing a finger. Could it be that he is using witchcraft to turn himself into a leopard, seeking revenge on those who took away his power?

Baruti the hunter believes in the power of God - but he himself may have to become the bait if he is to save the rest.

Another thrilling adventure from Paul White based in Mvumi hospital, Tanzania.

This is book 3 of the "Jungle Doctor" series!

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Exodus Rating
Flaws Violence, witchcraft
Summary: In this adventure, Jungle Doctor must fight against superstition and fear rather than sickness.

Series Description
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