Hop on Pop

Hop on Pop

by Dr. Seuss
Publisher: Random House
Hardcover, 64 pages
Current Retail Price: $8.99
Used Price: $3.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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First published in 1963, Hop on Pop remains a perennial favorite when it comes to teaching kids to read. Here, as in most of his extensive body of work, Dr. Seuss creates uncomplicated, monosyllabic rhymes to foster learning and inspire children to read. But what was radical about this little book at the time of publication (and what makes it still compelling today) is Seuss's departure from the traditionally dull pictures and sentences used in reading primers. In contrast, the illustrations here are wild and wonderful, and the accompanying language, while simple, is delightfully silly. For example, the rhyme "THREE TREE / Three fish in a tree / Fish in a tree? / How can that be?" is brought to life with a trio of plump, self-satisfied fish perched atop globular branches as two stymied hybrid dog-rabbit-humanoids look on in consternation. Hop on Pop does much more than teach children the basics of word construction, it also introduces them to the incomparable pleasure of reading a book.

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  Second Favorite Seuss
Sincerelyornot of Oregon, 10/24/2011
These books are so fun to listen to my mom read aloud. Especially when she makes these cool sound effects sounds for the kids.

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According to my mom, I made her read this to me so many times, I had it memorized as a kid. I revisted it during my babysitting days, and kids I babysat, years ago, asked to read it again and again. Dr. Seuss books, they're truly the classics of read-aloud literature.