Harebell's Friend

Harebell's Friend

Golden Inheritance Series #8
by Amy Le Feuvre
Trade Paperback, 140 pages
List Price: $8.95 Sale Price: $7.61

Historical Setting: England, 19th Century

When her father dies, poor orphaned Harebell is taken from India to England. But Aunt Diana, under whose care she is placed, dislikes children and would rather send her niece off to a boarding school than keep her at her grand home. Despite her loneliness, Harebell's vivid imagination endears her to most people she meets, except the minister's son. Peter considers her snobbish, boring, and arrogant because she would rather tell the town drunkard, Tom Triggs about the Lord Jesus than play his games. Then Peter gets her into a terrible scrape and Aunt Diana arranges to send her to a boarding school. In her distress Harebell runs away from home, but on the way she again meets Tom Triggs. What will this encounter lead to?

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