Dr. Jenner and the Speckled Monster

Dr. Jenner and the Speckled Monster

The Discovery of the Smallpox Vaccine

by Albert Marrin
Publisher: Dutton Juvenile
1st Edition, ©2002, ISBN: 9780525476429
Trade Paperback, 96 pages
Current Retail Price: $12.50
Used Price: $7.60 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

In 1796, an unknown country doctor named Edward Jenner developed and administered the world's first vaccine-turning the tide in humanity's age-old war against disease. Award-winning author Albert Marrin explains the significance of "immortal" Jenner's gift to mankind as he narrates the epic story of smallpox, a disease so contagious and deadly it has dramatically influenced the course of history. From the mummified remains of its first known victim to the sinister threat of the "frozen monster" that lurks in the vials of ultramodern laboratories, readers will be held spellbound by this readable and timely combination of science and history.

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