Do-It-Yourself Homeschooling Reading Time 180 Day Journal

Do-It-Yourself Homeschooling Reading Time 180 Day Journal

by Sarah Janisse Brown
Publisher: Thinking Tree
2019 printing, ISBN: 9781514886526
Consumable Workbook
Current Retail Price: $22.50
Used Price: $8.75 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

When your child has a daily reading time use this workbook! They will be able to write about what they are learning and draw pictures inspired by each book. With 180 pages, you’ll have enough to last one school year. Perfect for all educational approaches, Charlotte Mason families can use this book to record narration. Delight directed learners can use this book to keep their notes and ideas. Students can use this book as book reports and to help them remember what they’ve learned and been inspired by. Non-writers can fill the pages with drawings and doodles.

Creative students, gifted students, struggling and reluctant learners, students with Dyslexia, ADHD, Asperger’s and Autism especially thrive with this approach!

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