

Redwall #16
by Brian Jacques
Publisher: ACE Publishing
Mass market paperback, 388 pages
List Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $8.49

The sixteenth full length Redwall novel sheds light on the Abbey's ancient origins in a thrilling adventure. Loamhedge, the deserted Abbey, has been forgotten for countless seasons. What secrets do it's ruins hold? When it becomes clear that wheelchair-bound Martha might be cured by a formula buried there, two old warriors are inspired by the spirit of Martin the Warrior himself to go on a quest for the ancient Abbey and three young rebels are determined to go with them. Meanwhile. the giant badger Lonna Bowstripe thirsts for vengeance as he relentlessly pursues Raga Bl and his murdering crew of sea rats . . . who are on their way to attack Redwall itself. The valiant Abbeybeasts must defend their home, but how can they, when their boldest warriors are away on their quest? Will Redwall fall to vermin invaders at last?

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  This Book Is Full of Surprises!
AJF of Kalamazoo, 8/24/2016
Loamhedge is full of surprises. It's about a hare named Martha Braebuck who has been in a wheelchair since she was born. She lives at Redwall Abbey. Then Bragoon the otter and Sarobando (Saro for short) the squirrel who used to live at Redwall show up, and along with Martha's brother Horty and his friends Springald and Fenna, go on a quest to find a cure at the ancient Abbey of Loamhedge armed with a rhyme that begins: Beneath the flower that never grows\Sylvaticus lies in repose. Then they find the old Loamhedge graveyard and Horty falls..... Read it. I'm not telling you what happens.