Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons

Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons

by Bill Watterson
Publisher: Andrews McMeel
Trade Paperback, 127 pages
List Price: $16.99 Sale Price: $14.44

Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes has been a worldwide favorite since its introduction in 1985. The strip follows the richly imaginative adventures of Calvin and his trusty tiger, Hobbes. Whether a poignant look at serious family issues or a round of time-travel (with the aid of a well-labeled cardboard box), Calvin and Hobbes will astound, delight, and "hilarify" you.

A collection covering strips from July 8, 1990 to April 10, 1991.

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HappyHomemaker of Oregon, 9/28/2011
This is a collection of Calvin (the boy) and Hobbes (the stuffed tiger) comic strips.
I couldn't get through a single page of this volume without calling my husband over so I wasn't the only one rolling on the floor. I love how with all his tricks and conniving, Calvin never really gets away with anything. For the most part, I completely sympathize with his mother!
This is a great bathroom book.