

Redwall #1
by Brian Jacques
Publisher: ACE Publishing
Mass market paperback, 333 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

Welcome to Mossflower Wood, where the gentle mice have gathered to celebrate a year of peace and abundance. All is well . . . until a sinister shadow falls across the ancient stone abbey of Redwall. It is rumored that Cluny is coming—Cluny, the terrible one-eyed rat and his savage horde—Cluny, who has vowed to conquer Redwall Abbey! The only hope for the besieged mice lies in the lost sword of the legendary Martin the Warrior. And so begins the epic quest of a bumbling young apprentice—a courageous mouse who would rise up, fight back . . . and become a legend himself.

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Ajf of Kalamazoo, 8/20/2016
Redwall is a very good book. It's about a mouse named Matthias who is...well...lets just say clumsy at the beginning. At the end on the other hand, whoa: definitely NOT. He lives in Redwall Abbey, among peaceful creatures...until Cluny the Scourge suddenly pops up out of nowhere. Literally. While Matthias goes on a journey to find the great sword of Martin the Warrior (also a mouse) the creatures at Redwall fight Cluny. When Matthias gets back with the sword, after killing Asmodeus Poisonteeth (giant viper) to get it, him and Cluny get in a fight and Matthias climbs into the belfry to get a rest and....Read the book, because I'm not telling you.