Secret of the Unicorn

Secret of the Unicorn

Adventures of Tintin
by Herge
Trade Paperback, 62 pages
List Price: $14.99 Sale Price: $12.74

Tintin and Captain Haddock discover that the Unicorn, a pirate ship, may contain a lost treasure. Their search to uncover the mystery of the ship leads them to their next adventure, finding Red Rackham's Treasure.

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Summary: Murder and threats surround the discovery that Capt. Haddock's ancestor may have hidden lost treasure on his ship.

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  A Pirate Story
Reece of Washougal, 8/27/2016
In this story Tintin is looking for three slips of parchment that are in the masts of model ships that a friend's ancestor made. The slips of parchment tell where a treasure is. The treasure was in a ship that pirates raided and the captain of the ship blew it up. Tintin and his friend have many adventures while searching for the parchments. I like the parts that show what happened in the past with the pirates.
  Fun Book
Anna, 7/16/2016
I loved this book. My favorite part was when Tintin escaped out of jail!