Daughter's Devotion

Daughter's Devotion

by George MacDonald, Michael R. Phillips (Editor)
Publisher: Bethany House
Trade Paperback, 318 pages
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Originally published in 1881 as Mary Marston, retold for today's reader.

Written at the very height of George MacDonald's literary career, A Daughter's Devotion is a splendid story centering around the life of a simple merchant's daughter. Mary Marston's unswerving commitment to love God and others is seen against the backdrop of an intriguing array of divers characters and a complex and sometimes mysterious plot.

Scotland's master storyteller allows his memorable characters to run the gamut from delightful to devious, and as such they serve as models. All eventually must stand before God in the silence of their own hears and choose the direction of their life and growth. Thus the dynamic impact of George MacDonald upon his readers.

--From the back cover

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