Dante's Purgatory

Dante's Purgatory

by Dante Alighieri, Anthony Esolen (translator)
Publisher: Modern Library
Trade Paperback, 544 pages
List Price: $16.00 Sale Price: $13.60

Arguably the greatest single poem ever written, The Divine Comedy presents Dante Alighieri's all-encompassing vision of the three realms of Christian afterlife. In Purgatory, the secondvolume of Dante's most brilliant, imaginative creation, Dante struggles up the terraces of Mount Purgatory, still guided by Virgil, in continuation of his difficult ascent to purity.

This groundbreaking new translation by Anthony Esolen includes illustrations by Gustave Doré, and an appendix of key sources and extensive endnotes.

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Exodus Rating:
FLAWS: Bad theology, somewhat prurient
Summary: Dante travels through Purgatory, where he sees what the dead must do to make it back into God's good graces.

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