Complete Charlotte Mason Home Education series

Complete Charlotte Mason Home Education series

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by Charlotte M. Mason
Publisher: Living Book Press
Item: 73886
List Price: $93.94 Sale Price: $79.85

This edition of Charlotte Mason’s Home Education Series is presented complete and unabridged, retaining the pagination of the original to make research and referencing easy. All the books have been fully transcribed and formatted using a clean and easy-to-read font so that there’s no excuse not to read these revolutionary works.

"This is the six-volume set of Charlotte Mason's original writing. Although Charlotte began writing in the 1880's, her principles for "bringing up" children still apply today. Charlotte's writings will challenge your thinking. Her books are not easy or light reading. Because they are meaty, whatever ideas are picked up by the reader radiate brilliantly in the thoughts of those who ponder them. Charlotte speaks from a lifetime of experience with children. Each idea is accompanied by a practical 'how to' offering heartfelt guidance. When we sift through the 2400 pages of the set we find specific pearls of wisdom to suit our needs. From my years of reading Charlotte's books I have gleaned advice on how to teach things like reading, writing, history and nature study. Charlotte's insights have helped me to awaken within my children a love and appreciation of music, art, poetry, and classic literature. It is on her books that my own book, A Charlotte Mason Companion, is based. Perhaps Companion will whet your appetite to read more of what Charlotte had to say about what makes a well-educated, well-brought-up child." — Karen Andreola


  1. Home Education
  2. Parents and Children
  3. School Education
  4. Ourselves
  5. Formation of Character
  6. A Philosophy of Education

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