Christian Studies Book III - Student Book

Christian Studies Book III - Student Book

The New Testament: The Early Years of Jesus, The Crucifixion & The Early Church

by Cheryl Lowe, Leigh Lowe
Publisher: Memoria Press
3rd Edition, ©2017, ISBN: 9781615388288
Consumable Workbook, 142 pages
Price: $19.90

Along with the previous two books, this three-year series thoughtfully guides your child through the Golden Children's Bible, teaching him the fundamentals of Bible stories, history, and geography, with solid detail at a manageable pace. Students do not merely skim the surface. They embark on a three-year Bible reading course that builds faith by teaching Salvation History as real history.

Each Student Book offers 30 lessons, and each lesson is comprised of a scripture memory passage, important facts to know (including people, places, dates, and events), vocabulary, and comprehension questions that draw out the golden nuggets of meaning in each story. Maps, timelines, activities, and discussion questions offer the critical integration that is central to classical education. Students work through one third of the Golden Children's Bible in each year. The Teacher's Manual offers the insight and background for each lesson that you've come to expect from Memoria Press.

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