Call of the Wild

Call of the Wild

Puffin Classics
by Jack London
Publisher: Puffin Books
2008th Edition, ©1982, ISBN: 9780141321059
Mass market paperback, 134 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79
Customer Reviews
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  A Good Book
Willow White of Washougal, 8/25/2016
This book is a touching story about one sophisticated dog's journey back to his wild roots. The story, although sad at times, is captivating. I like how the author writes about each stage of Buck's journey unhurriedly. I think that dog lovers of most ages will like this book. There is a little violence and bloodshed though.
  Not the Best Book
Caleb of Newberg, 8/11/2016
Everyone kept saying that I should read this book, so I tried it. I must say I was disappointed with the ending, but that's my opinion. Buck is sold to two men to be used on a dogsled, and learns the ways of the wild. Then he is sold to a man, his wife, and her brother who mistreat Buck and some other dogs and kills most of them! Read this book if you would like the rest of the story.