Boy Who Held Back the Sea

Boy Who Held Back the Sea

by Thomas Locker
Publisher: Puffin Books
Trade Paperback, 16 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

Here is the stunningly illustrated story of a Dutch boy who, being mischievous and hunting squirrels rather than spending his Sunday reading to an old blind man, finds a small hole in one of the dikes and bravely saves the whole town from flooding by plugging it with his finger until help arrives.


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Summary: The classic story of a young boy who redeems himself through a heroic deed, this edition is gorgeously illustrated.

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  Boy Who Held Back the Sea
Peyton R. of Oregon, 6/14/2016
The book was suspenseful. The boy was naughty because he ate the pie and shot through the school window with his slingshot. The pie was supposed to go to the housekeeper. He spent the night by the river. But he saved the town from being drowned because water was coming out of a crack that was connected to the ocean and the river. Good thing he had a handkerchief because he plugged the hole. A robber had to help him. ????
  The Boy Who Held Back the Sea
Sunita of Oregone, 6/13/2016
It's about a boy who kind of ran away. It's not really a sea, it's a river. It's not that exciting, but I like it still. He and his dog found a leak there.