Blue Willow

Blue Willow

Puffin Newbery Library
by Doris Gates
Publisher: Puffin Books
Mass market paperback, 172 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79

To Janey Larkin, the blue willow plate was the most beautiful thing in her life, a symbol of the home she could only dimly remember. Now that her father was an itinerant worker, Janey didn't have a home she could call her own or any real friends, as her family had to keep moving, following the crops from farm to farm. Someday, Janey promised the willow plate, with its picture of a stream and a bridge and a real house beyond, her family would once again be able to set down roots in a community.

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  Very Good Book
Trey The Bookworm, 6/9/2016
Janey's father has finally found work! But what will happen when all the cotton is gone, and the Larkin Family runs out of money to pay for rent on their little shack?
  Great, Beautiful Book
HappyHomemaker of Oregon, 5/17/2011
This book is a childhood favorite of mine, and even after my mother finished reading it to us I picked it up over and over again!
Jenny Larson's father lost his job in the great Dust Bowl, and they have to keeping moving with the seasonal farm labor. Everything they own fits into their old, beat-up car, including a lovely blue plate with an illustration of a house with a willow tree on it. They find an abandoned house where they set up for the time that he will be working in the nearby cotton fields. Then trouble comes in the form of sickness and a rough and rude ranch manager who comes to collect their rent. Jenny longs for a permanent home, where they can live and cultivate friends and send down roots.
The book is beautifully written, with great details about the times in which Jenny lived.