Black Stallion's Filly

Black Stallion's Filly

Black Stallion #8
by Walter Farley
Publisher: Random House
Mass market paperback, 288 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79
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  The Black Stallion's Filly
Caitlin of Ohio, 7/9/2016
I really like The Black Stallion's Filly. The Black Stallion books are really good. While Walter Farley is a more modern writer, he does not use bad language, and does a really good job writing his books. He packs his books full of adventure, excitement, and sometimes even mixes in important horse history. For instance, in the Authors' Foreword in The Black Stallion's Filly, Farley tells how hard it is to win the "The Run for the Roses", and that only three fillies have won it - Regret ( 1915), Genuine Risk (1980), and Winning Colors (1988) - since it started a century ago, in 1875. He does not only tell us this stuff in the Foreword, but spreads it throughout the books. I like all of his books, but this is one of my favorite, and I think you will like it also.