Black Cauldron

Black Cauldron

Prydain Chronicles #2
by Lloyd Alexander
Hardcover, 224 pages
Used Price: $9.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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In the imaginary land of Prydain, where "evil is never distant," Prince Gwydion faced dangers more threatening than had ever been dreamed of. It had become imperative that the Black Cauldron, chief implement of the evil powers of Arawn, lord of the Land of Death, be destroyed.

For each of the warriors chosen to journey to Arawn's domain, the quest had a special meaning. To Ellidyr, youngest son of an impoverished king, it meant a chance to satisfy his bitter longing for fame. For Adaon, beloved for his gentleness and bravery, the quest was an omen whose significance he dreaded to discover. And to Taran, Assistant Pig-Keeper, the adventure seemed a glorious opportunity to wear his first sword, a man among men.

How each fulfilled his destiny in ways entirely unforeseen is related in a story filled with adventure and the sacrifice that great achievements entail. As in Lloyd Alexander's The Book of Three, the thrilling experiences of Prydain's unforgettable characters will long be cherished by the young.

from the dust jacket

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