Black Buccaneer

Black Buccaneer

Dover Evergreen Classics
by Stephen W. Meader
Publisher: Dover Publications
Trade Paperback, 230 pages
List Price: $5.99 Sale Price: $5.09

In 1718, long before the turbulent years of the American Revolution, life on a Maine sheep farm is a quiet affair. But unbeknownst to 14-year-old Jeremy Swan, his island home is ripe for plundering by sea raiders, who swoop down and drag him away. Once aboard the Revenge, it's all he can do to keep from getting keelhauled by the villainous Pharaoh Daggs. But what sinister secret is that pirate hiding in his trunk? To find out, Jeremy enlists the help of his fellow prisoner, Bob Curtis, and together the boys plot to escape their captors — and to find a way to even the score.

Stephen W. Meader wrote more than 40 adventure stories for young readers, many of them with historic themes. The Black Buccaneer, Meader's first novel, recaptures the flavor of colonial times, and the suspenseful tale will captivate young readers with a taste for adventure on the high seas.
Reprint of the Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1920 edition.

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