

A Tale of the Christ

Signet Classics
by Lew Wallace
Publisher: Signet Classics
Mass market paperback, 558 pages
List Price: $9.95 Sale Price: $8.46

In occupied Jerusalem in the time of Christ, a young Jew feels the crushing weight of the mighty Roman machine. First, a boyhood friend reappears in the arrogant trappings of the Roman military, insulting Ben-Hur's Jewish customs and beliefs. Then, an accidental injury to a Roman officer leads to Ben-Hur's arrest and sentencing: as a galley slave for life.

While his anger fuels his will to survive, a stroke of good fortune changes his status from slave to freeman—a freeman of wealth and prestige. From this position, Ben-Hur plots his vengeance on those who have wronged him and his beloved mother and sister.

An unusual man named Jesus, however, begins to trouble Ben-Hur's mind. Perhaps this man, with His miraculous powers, is the promised Messiah, one who will throw off the chains of the hated Romans. But Jesus' strange teachings—humility, forgiveness, love for one's enemies—upset the vengeful plans Ben-Hur has so carefully devised.

Packed with historical detail, action, and romance, Ben-Hur is a deeply moving story of God's power to change hearts. This classic novel, presented in an unaltered form, will thrill you with its exciting plot—and move you with its spiritual truths.

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Exodus Rating
FLAWS: Violence, sexual allusions, long descriptions
Summary: A young Jewish noble survives arrest, pirates, Roman citizenship, and the Circus to find true love in a leper colony and faith at the foot of the Cross.

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