Bear Called Paddington

Bear Called Paddington

by Michael Bond
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 132 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

Mr. and Mrs. Brown first meet Paddington—a most endearing bear from Darkest Peru—on a railway platform in London. He is sitting on a battered suitcase, wearing an odd-looking hat and a sign hanging around his neck which says, "Please look after this bear." That is just what they do, little knowing that their lives will never be the same again.

Paddington's good intentions are equaled only by his absolute talent for getting into trouble, and readers of all ages will welcome him into their homes as happily as Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

The stories in the first book in the series are:

  1. Please Look After This Bear – The Browns first meet Paddington at Paddington station.
  2. A Bear in Hot Water – Paddington's first attempt at having a bath is a disaster.
  3. Paddington Goes Underground – Paddington's first journey on the Underground causes chaos.
  4. A Shopping Expedition – Paddington gets lost during a shopping trip.
  5. Paddington and "The Old Master" – This story introduces Mr Gruber. After hearing Mr Gruber talk about painting, Paddington decides to try his hand at it himself.
  6. A Visit to the Theatre – Paddington goes to see a play with the Browns.
  7. Adventure at the Seaside – Paddington takes part in a sandcastle competition.
  8. A Disappearing Trick – Paddington receives a magic set for his first birthday with the Browns. This story introduces Mr Curry.
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