Ballet Shoes

Ballet Shoes

by Noel Streatfeild
Publisher: Yearling
Mass market paperback, 233 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

Great-Uncle Matthew usually collects fossils on his trips around the world, but one day he comes home with a baby girl instead! Two more baby girls follow, each left in the care of his great-niece Sylvia and her old nurse, Nana. The three girls, named Pauline, Petrova, and Posy, decide to take on the last name of Fossil in honor of their benefactor.

But when Gum sets off on a five-year trip around the world—and doesn't return—the Fossil sisters must find a way to help provide for their family. They vow to make the name of Fossil great, and they all enlist in the Children's Academy of Dance and Stage Training. What follows is endless ballet practice, auditions, memorizing lines, costume fittings, drama, and hard work. Each girl will discover her own unique talent and path, but their bond as sisters will always keep these three orphans together in spirit.

This is an incredibly charming and realistic novels about sisters. If you grew up in a trio of sisters (as I did) you're sure to see yourself in at least one of the Fossil girls. The exciting life of girls who tried their hands at being ballerinas and actresses and mechanics in an effort to help their family pay the bills was novel; but the arguments, late-night talks, giggling, grand vows, and good friendship was very familiar. The Fossil sisters aren't always well-behaved, but they learn from their mistakes, learn compassion and the virtues of hard work, and learn how to get along with each other even when the others are being difficult. Highly recommended!

Review by Lauren Shearer
Lauren Shearer writes words for fun and profit. She also makes films, but everyone knows you can't make a profit doing that. Her other hobby is consistently volunteering way too much of her time. You can read more of her reviews here.
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Summary: The three Fossil sisters join the Children's Academy of Dancing and Stage Training and vow to make their name famous.

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  Wonderful Dancing World
Ellie of Boise, ID, 7/5/2016
Noel Streatfeild's Shoe Series brings an amazing dancing world to life. Her first book Ballet Shoes is about three orphan sisters Pauline, Petrova, and Posy. Pauline loves acting, Petrova wants to be a pilot, and Posy a dancer. Later each girl finds that she has a talent.

I recommend this book for book and girls who love acting, dancing, and other activities.
  Finding Your Dream
Susanna Z. of Augusta, GA, 7/3/2016
When Pauline, Petrova, and Posy's Great-Uncle Matthew, or Gum, leaves the house and doesn't come back, the family doesn't have enough money to live on. So the three adopted girls enter the Children's Academy of Dancing and Stage Training to help earn money. Eventually, they find out that they all have different interests. Pauline desires to be an actress. Posy loves nothing but dancing. But Petrova finds herself leading a life in the air as a pilot. Each of them has to find her dream and follow it.